Located in the emerald city of Seattle, our Seattle chiropractor, Seattle acupuncturist and Seattle massage therapist take great pride in providing a caring and welcoming environment and being known for specialized treatment of sports injuries, spinal injuries, and musculoskeletal disorders. Our doctors, therapist and staff are recognized specialists in their fields and have extensive knowledge and experience, allowing us to create a state of the art center.
We place a high importance on clinical research and cutting edge treatment techniques that allow us to achieve the best results in the shortest amount of time. We are results-driven at InHealth , and focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders. There are no two injuries that are the same, and we are committed to providing the most efficient and effective form of treatment for your unique condition. We offer a variety of treatment options and work closely with other healthcare professionals to develop a coordinated treatment program that directly address your specific needs.
If a new or chronic injury has been affecting your active lifestyle, contact us today for an appointment at InHealth chiropractic center.