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Active Relase Techniques for Sport Injuries: Runner’s Knee


Over the past month, one of the primary complaints I have been treating people for is pain underneath their kneecap; and not surprisingly, they tell a story of getting back into their training program too aggressively. Often times they describe this pain as: worse when getting up from a seated position (especially after having their knees bent for an extended period), pain going up or down stairs, or simply pain when they push on their kneecap.

So what can you do about this type of situation? If your symptom of pain behind the kneecap persists for longer than a week, you should make an appointment with your doctor for an examination. Based on the exam findings, your doctor will diagnose your condition and then prescribe an appropriate rehabilitation program.

In the case of "Runner's Knee," the most common recommendations are:

• Rest

• Ice

• Therapeutic modalities (ex. ultrasound, low level laser therapy etc.)

• Anti-inflammatory medcation (NSAIDs)

However, there must also be an active component to the rehabilitation of "Runner's Knee". Some of the active components can include:

Exercise program to balance the quadriceps muscular imbalance for correcting the aberrant paterllar tracking.

• Myofacial release (Active Release Technique and Graston Technique). This component of the rehabilitation process also aids in balancing the tension of the muscles that stabilize the kneecap.

Kinesio Taping can provide a mechanical correction that helps improve the biomechanics of the knee and braces.

Cho-Pat can help alleviate symptoms while training the muscles to hold the patella in a better position.

Runner’s Knee is a condition that often times resolves quickly with the appropriate treatment. If you have any of the symptoms described above, please contact InHealth for an evaluation and treatment so you can start the process of getting back to pain free running.

If you would like more information, download this free whitepaper on Runner's Knee!


Seattle Chiropractor, Kevin Rindal

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Kevin Rindal, Seattle Chiropractor at


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