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5 Things to Know About Kainoa Pauole

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We recently asked Kainoa Pauole, owner of Pauole Sport, to answer a few questions about why she went into coaching triathletes.  Kainoa has been coaching all levels of athletes from novice to professional for the last 20 years.  As one of our community partners, we thought it would be fun to learn more about her. 


1.  Why did you decide to go into coaching?
I started swimming competitively when I was 8 years old and was lucky enough to have two really great coaches that I admired and helped me along the way.  My coaches were always a big part of my life and I knew I wanted to be that for others.  I was given my first swim coaching job for the same swim team I swam for as an age grouper.  After I completed my Masters Degree in Kinesiology & Exercise Science where I gained an extensive knowledge base and experience working with athletes, I started coaching triathletes.  I really enjoy working with athletes of varying ages, skills and abilities and find it very rewarding helping them achieve their athletic goals.    
2.  When do most people seek out a coach?  Are most of your clients beginners, professionals?
Many people seek out a coach after doing their first triathlon.  Most are hooked after their first race and decide they want to improve their performance.  Everyone has different goals; some want to improve their placement within their age group, some want to take a specific amount of time off their swim, bike and/or run leg and some want to try and qualify for the Ironman World Championships.  At Pauole Sport our team is made up of a wide variety of ages and abilities, from the beginner to high level age group athletes.
3.  What is the best part about your job?
The best part of my job is working closely with our athletes and watching them progress season after season, year after year.  It is so rewarding seeing an athlete get stronger both physically and mentally as we work together.   Another highlight of my job is to be able to support our athletes at races and watch our team compete.  It never gets old seeing athletes reap the benefits of all their training and dedication.  
4.  What is your next racing goal?
XTERRA Maui in October 2011
5.  What is one thing you can tell us about yourself that most people don't know? :)
A little know secrete is I have taken over five years of hula lessons and can dance hula.

If you are looking for a triathlete coach, training partners, or just help with planning for your first triathlon, Kainoa and her staff are the perfect fit.  They will encourage, coach and help you through the entire process.  Visit her website at


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