Massage Therapy Seattle Report: Oncology Massage
Posted by Kevin Rindal on Wed, Jun 01, 2011 @ 07:09 PM
Massage Therapy Seattle report:
Gayle MacDonald is one of the leading therapist in the area of Oncology massage. She has educated over 2,000 practitioners on the basics for massage for clients affected by cancer.
MacDonald states that the challenges of massage with cancer patient stem from the side effects of treatment- surgery, chemo, and radiation. In addition, there is risk for lymphedema or triggering additional pain, and some people who have been through cancer treatment have decrease bone health, long-term effects on vital organs, incisional pain, and other trauma to just name a few. She empahsizes the need for adequate training with Oncology patients and emphasizes the need for gentle treatment. If done properly, massage can be extremely relaxing for patients, where they can leave their pain at the door.
Darlene Green is the massage therapist, Seattle at InHealth.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Kevin Rindal,
Seattle Chiropractor at