Joint Replacement or Active Release Technique? Seattle Chiropractor
Posted by Kevin Rindal on Thu, Aug 11, 2011 @ 11:38 AM
Seattle Chiropractor Report
Dr. Bruce West (MD) is founder of Health Alert/Immune Systems Inc. He is well known in the medicine world has being innovative in treating the underlying cause of sympotms rather then just the symptoms themselves. You want to learn more about, him you can read it here.
Recently, he wrote an article on "Baby Boomers Getting Artificial Hips, Knees, and More" and talked about how many boomers are getting joint replacements before the age of 60 and it's viewed by the medical community as a "simple price to pay for years of sports and activities". The risks associated with a joint replacement include the general risks of surgery such as infection, and the high risk that if you have a joint replacement at a young age (60 years old), you will probably need another surgery later in life (75-80 years). Dr. West agrues that you are much better trying to rehabilitate a joint with conservative treatment. He states, "most joint problems and pain are caused by soft tissue rather than bone- that means muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These tissues can develop problems ranging from strains and sprains, to tears and scars over the years."
In order to rehabilate a joint, there are 2 key ingrediants, according to Dr. West.
1. Osteofactor Nutrients and proper nutrition to help rebuild that joint.
2. A healthcare provider who is skilled at addressing ligament, tendon and muscle problems. This fibrous tissue and scars can press on nerves which cause the pain and numbness.
Dr. West then states "Perhaps the best technique of all is the Active Release Technique... the healthcare provider finds the problem- whether it is a damaged muscles, ligament, tendon, fibrous tissue, or scar- isolates it like a pressure point, then takes your joint through its range of motion. Holding deep pressure while taking the joint through its range of motion realigns the tissues in the joint, reactivates muscles that were not working properly, breaks away old fibrous growths and scars that result from old injuries and begins to allow the joint to work property once again."
Dr. West describes the treatment as taking 15-30 mintues, can be slightly painful at first, but is easily tolderated. You will know if you can be helped by th treatment if you allow 6-10 treatments.
My favorite part of this article, has to be the last few sentances....
"And these people are not in the healing profession for the money. They are anatomical experts. They spend the time needed to get the job done, and do no make much more than a plumber or electrician. In other words, these people are gems if you can find one."
If you have an injury and think that ART might be a good solution, contact us to set up an initial consultation. 206-315-7998. We are able to help a lot of people in our office and rehabilitate them in order to avoid surgery.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Kevin Rindal, Seattle Chiropractor at