It’s been a busy summer around here. From Mount Rainier to Australia, the Team has been out and about taking inspiration from all of our amazing patients. It’s hard keeping up with all of you, but we do our best! Check out what some of the InHealth Team had to say on social media:

What’s a hiking trip without your trusty pup at your side? Here’s our resident Acupuncturist Gabrielle on one of her many hiking adventures with her faithful companion.

Dr. Kevin found himself halfway around the world at the 2014 Pan Pacific Swimming Championships as part of Team USA’s support staff. Stay tuned for his story from The Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

Whether it’s hiking and running the Cascades, winning the Snoqualmie Railroad Days 5k, or coaching collegiate runners at the Altitude Project in Mammoth Falls, CA, Jane has been one busy outdoors woman this summer. Here she is after hiking Mt. Si with her husband and fellow runner John.

Keeping Up

It’s always a challenge keeping up with all of your adventures, so we’ve added a couple of new faces to the team. Our our goal is to give you more treatment options and flexibility to keep you on your adventuring toes for the rest of the summer. Sara Haase and Kevin Kunde are both Pacific Northwest Natives and we’re very excited to have them on the team. Sara comes to us as a 2nd generation massage therapist, while Kevin has landed at InHealth via the Seattle Sounders FC and Seattle Reign FC.

Let us know what you’ve been up to this summer on twitter and facebook. We love hearing about where your adventures take you!