The Comeback Kid: How to Stay Motivated During Injury Recovery

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Congratulations! By taking action to understand what is ailing you and performing the steps to heal the cause, you are already on the comeback train! But what happens when you’re working towards getting healthy again but the results are slow and you begin to lack motivation? This is where the real challenge begins. How do you stay motivated to do those boring little exercises and strength routines even when the process is slow and you feel discouraged?

As an athlete who has experienced numerous injuries with long recovery times, I have often dealt with the challenge of maintaining morale. Like many things, there is no “secret sauce” to staying constantly motivated. However, here are three keys to not only encourage your heart and mind, but that also may get you back into action faster than you expect.

Keep the big picture in mind

It can be incredibly challenging to maintain a healthy perspective day in and day out, but if you can form a habit of “looking up” it can help. What do I mean by “looking up”?

Physically, this means raising your eyes to take in the view of what is around you and putting yourself in a posture of confidence. Go for a walk outside, take time to have a conversation with someone you care about, smile at yourself in the mirror-you are getting better!

Mentally, “looking up” is considering the positives of your day and remembering the goals that you are working towards.

Finally, it is constructive to remember the things that truly bring value to your life outside of the physical, like relationships and intellectual pursuits. These are just a few ways that can help you remember to keep your eyes up and looking forward to your goals, doing your best to enjoy aspects of where you currently are, even in a state of injury and pain.

Seek out a support team

Most of us would not be in the places we are today without the support of family, friends, co-workers-people that we trust to encourage us to be our best. Surround yourself with people who will help you heal and make you stronger, and don’t waste time or energy with people that are negative or discouraging of your goals. Having a support team is invaluable to a strong recovery; both mentally and physically

Set small, attainable goals and remember that healing is a process

One of the reasons that recovery can be so challenging is the sheer length of time that the process takes. You could even be dealing with a chronic issue that lasts for years and years. One way to combat this is by setting up small attainable goals for yourself along the way and then celebrating each milestone to your recovery!

Personally, I like to keep a simple list of goals in a prominent place where I can see them daily. Then, when I meet a goal I can cross it off the list.

  • You are in less pain then you were a week ago.
  • Your mobility has improved.
  • You have exercises to do that make you just tiny bit stronger every day.
  • Now you are able to run again, even if it’s only a few steps.
  • You made the time to exercise 5 days this week!

Remember, goals are most effective if you first see yourself accomplishing them and second track your progress towards meeting them.

We wish you all the best in your recovery process and remember that here at InHealth we will be with you through every step of your journey back to wholeness.

InHealth does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider. Please read our full policy for more information.

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